It has been carried out to the creation of the first group of minority shareholders of Abengoa in order to ensure and protect the rights of the small shareholders of the company at this situation of uncertainty and loss of value that is being produced.

The association initially started with a significant group of shareholders who have acquired minority shareholdings of various kinds with vocation to become a qualified interlocutor in the ongoing process. Today the Association represents more than 250 shareholders, whose investments range from 400,000 euros and 6,000 euros.

In the bosom of the Association it will be analyzed the financial and legal situation in which the company is currently in, the causes that have contributed to this situation, as well as possible future scenarios.

The Association was presented on December 1st, in which the Secretary General of AEMEC Javier Cremades note the future actions to be undertaken in the defence of the aggrieved shareholders, which will begin with the lawsuit before the mercantile courts to Abengoa and the entire board of directors of the company. AEMEC has set up an information telephone for shareholders and bondholders of Abengoa: 91 426 40 59 and it has opened an email account mail: